Due to the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic, any Council or Committee Meetings will be held remotely in line with ‘The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020′ that are currently enacted for Meetings on and up to 7 May 2021. For further information see The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations 2020
Public Question Time: Members of the Public are invited to submit questions on any subject related to items on an agenda only, for consideration at the meeting, either in writing delivered to the Parish Council Offices, via email to: or by telephone: 01903 249449.
Details to join a remote meeting will be provided upon request – please call the office on (01903) 249449 or email
Please note that Meetings may be being recorded (audio), for the purpose of ensuring clarity for the Minutes.
For the time and location of a meeting, please see the relevant agenda. Please note that future dates, times and locations can be subject to change.
Ferring’s Parish Council and committee meetings are ‘Meetings held in public’ (not Public Meetings). Parishioners are welcome to attend to hear the Council’s debates on the business outlined on the relevant agenda. Each meeting has a Public Question Time; 15 minutes reserved for members of the public to address the Council on any subject related to items on the agenda only. Each member of the public is entitled to speak once and shall not speak for more than three minutes.
Please note that minutes are published as draft until approved at the next meeting.
The dates, agendas and minutes for the Council’s meetings can be accessed below.
Full Council
Environment, Amenities & Footpaths
Finance & General Purposes
Highways & Community
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Planning & Licensing