Ferring Parish Council has adopted a structure of Committees, with the Council’s Chairman and Vice-Chairman being ex officio to all.
Each Committee will hold an annual budget, the budget will be agreed at next appropriate Committee Meeting.
Under the delegation by Full Council, the Committee will be authorised to spend a dispensation
The 2023 Committee structure is as follows:
Planning and Licensing (decision making powers)
The Planning and Licensing Committee is responsible for putting forward the Parish Council’s comments and recommendations or objections on local planning and licensing issues to Arun District Council. This is a decision making committee.
Environment Liaison Committee (advisory powers only)
Concerned with the environmental amenities within the village such as footpaths, trees, bus shelters, verges and amenity areas and working with the Local Authorities on their maintenance. The Council’s allotments are the responsibility of this Committee.
Roads, Community & Sports Committee (advisory powers only)
This Committee is responsible for general community issues in the village. It is also responsible for the management of the Glebelands Recreation Ground which is leased from Arun District Council which also maintains the site. Ferring Tennis and Football Clubs have representation on this Committee. The Committee also monitors all roads within the Parish in relation to safety, parking, speeding and related matters. It liaises with District and County Councils on forthcoming projects and improvements and maintains a close interest in drainage matters within the Village.
Neighbourhood Development Plan (Decision Making)
This Committee’s responsibility is to consider any matters in relation to the Ferring Neighbourhood Plan.
Finance and General Purposes (advisory powers only)
This Committee is responsible for the Annual Budget (the Precept) for the Parish, together with the Audit and Banking procedures. It oversees all financial matters related to leases, insurance, employment and Parish Procedures. It also deals with all items relating to Council Policy and such matters as the Council may determine.
Old Committees
Parish Facilities and Projects Committee (Decision Making)
Concerned with the environmental amenities within the village such as footpaths, trees, bus shelters, verges and amenity areas and working with the Local Authorities on their maintenance.
The monitoring of all roads and pavements within the Parish in relation to accessibility, safety, parking, speeding and related matters. It liaises with District and County Councils on forthcoming projects and improvements and maintains a close interest in flood prevention matters within the Village.
The identification, assessment, and review of Projects with the potential to be carried out by the Council.
General Parish Issues (GPI) Committee – (Advisory Powers only)
This Committee is responsible for liaison with various organisations and groups within the village including primary users of the Glebelands Recreation Ground (Ferring Tennis and Football Clubs) which is leased from Arun District Council who also maintain the site; Ferring Road Scheme Association, the Conservation Group, and the allotments. Representatives from these groups will be invited to attend and have full voting rights