What we do
Ferring Parish Council strives to protect and improve the environment, amenities and quality of life for all residents in the village by engaging with and representing the local community and through prudent financial management.
To fulfill these aims we ….
Collaborate with governing bodies, particularly Arun District Council (ADC), West Sussex County Council (WSCC), the Environment Agency (EA) and the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA).
Work to protect and enhance our open spaces, village environment and amenities such as the War Memorial site, Village Green frontage, Warren Pond site and the Pantiles green space.
Lobby authorities to drive improvements in the village (e.g. WSCC on road safety issues).
Engage and participate with village community groups to deliver environmental benefits and village activities.
Provide and manage the allotments.
Financially contribute to the maintenance of the public toilets.
Monitor and comment on planning applications, public consultations etc.
Provide and maintain flower beds and planters, seats and picnic benches, cycle racks and the bus shelters at various sites throughout the village.
- the maintenance of the tennis courts on the Glebelands.
- local causes (directly benefiting the residents of Ferring), through the Ferring Parish Council grant scheme.
- the leisure, play and exercise equipment on the Village Green.
- dog waste bins, litter bins and salt bins around the parish.
Undertake projects both directly in support of the Neighbourhood Plan and other village projects through our Committees.
Identify opportunities and take advantage of grant schemes for the benefit of the village.
Refer village issues, when appropriate, to the relevant District or County authorities.
Organise or support and promote village events such as the Remembrance Service and Christmas festivities.
Communicate, inform and advise by means of:
- regular Full Council and committee meetings held in public, with published agendas and minutes.
- the Ferring Parish Council noticeboards and website.
- provisions to contact the Parish Clerk and Parish Councillors by telephone, e-mail, website contact form or walk-in Parish Office reception.
- the Ferring Parish Flyer, distributed to every household in the Parish and articles in ‘All About Ferring’ magazines.
Represent the residents of Ferring at meetings with other organisations such as ADC, WSCC, the Joint Eastern Arun Area Council (JEAAC) and the Arun District Association of Local Councils (ADALC).
Involve village residents/groups in initiatives and through public meetings.
Ensure public confidence through procedural and financial transparency, compliance and oversight/audit.
Manage the parish precept and council business in accordance with all regulatory requirements.